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Drinking coffee in Colombia

What comes into your mind, when you hear the word Colombia? Caribbean sea, South America? Good coffee maybe? Colombia is famous for one of the best coffee in the world. They produce 11.5 million bags annually, which is the third highest in the world, right after Vietnam and Brazil. The beans are exported to USA, Germany, France, Japan, and in Italy. In 2011 UNESCO declared the coffee growing region a World Heritage site.

Why am I telling you this? Buna Cooperative cooperated with On Board, which is a community of travellers and researchers from Colombia and STA Travels. They prepared a trip in this country of coffee for you. Buna Cooperative is an organization which  roasts and makes coffee in Slovenia and is raising awareness about why it is important to know where things are coming from and what impact the production has on people and on environment. And On Board are Marcela and Alex who prepare trips to different countries. The purpose of these trips is combining education and travels. Travels include riding in a school bus, which represents an engine for new knowledge and adventures. You will be able to exchange knowledge between travellers and local experts. Last but not least, STA travels are organizers of different trips with different purposes around the globe. Of course you can’t be a part of Hostelling International and not get a discount! Every HI member and volunteer gets a 100 € discount on the price of the trip. It’s an opportunity that can’t be missed.

On this trip you will be able to travel to coffee plantation, learn something and drink a lot of coffee. If you have time from 28th of March till 11th of April 2016 and want new adventures, go to Colombia for a different, educational and fun trip. More information: